Real estate Saint André
ROUSSILLON IMMOBILIER, the real estate specialist in the Catalan Country for more than 35 years.

Real estate agency Roussillon Immobilier

ROUSSILLON IMMOBILIER supports you in the realization of your real estate projects in transaction, management and rental.
The seriousness of our team and respect for the wishes of our customers have created a relationship of trust, a privilege of which we are proud and for which we thank them.
- • Our multilingual real estate advisers (English, Spanish, Catalan, German) have a perfect knowledge of the local real estate market,
- • Our firm is a member of the NATIONAL COUNCIL DES AGENTS IMMOBILIERS - C.N.A.I.
- • Financial Guarantees are issued by the Reference Guarantor of Property Administrators and Real Estate Agents C.E.G.C. (European Company of Guarantees and Sureties).
Our 2 agencies ROUSSILLON IMMOBILIER and IMMO SERVICE in CERET have a rental management portfolio of around 400 lots in constant development.
We guarantee reliable rental income to landlords thanks to our guarantee against unpaid rents and damage.
We help our future tenants find the property they are looking for from a panel of available offers.
Your peace of mind is our priority, we take care of your interests.